#include int main () { /* x is an array of "int" of size 10. */ int x[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; /* y is a pointer to "int". */ int * y; y = x; /* Print information about y. */ printf ("Size of y = %d\n", sizeof (y)); printf ("Contents of y = %p\n", y); printf ("Address of y = %p\n", & y); printf ("*y = %d\n", *y); printf ("y[1] = %d\n", y[1]); printf ("2[y] = %d\n", 2[y]); /* Print information about x. */ printf ("Size of x = %d\n", sizeof (x)); printf ("Contents of x = %p\n", x); printf ("Address of x = %p\n", & x); printf ("*x = %d\n", *x); printf ("x[1] = %d\n", x[1]); printf ("2[x] = %d\n", 2[x]); return 0; }