Perl and XS: Example 2: Math::Ackermann

  1. Introduction
  2. Concepts
  3. Example 1: Geometry
  4. The typemap
  5. Example 2: Math::Ackermann
  6. Example 3: Set::Bit


This article is an example of representing data in Perl. The next article is an example of representing data in C.

Example 1: Math::Ackermann

Ackermann's function is mostly used in computer language benchmarks. It is defined recursively as

A(0  , n  ) = n + 1
A(m+1, 0  ) = A(m, 1)
A(m+1, n+1) = A(m, A(m+1, n))

It consumes enormous amounts of RAM and CPU with very little code.

We want to compute the function in C and cache the results. Caching values is easy in Perl.

package Math::Ackermann;

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    bless [], $class

sub compute
    my($ackermann, $m, $n) = @_;

    defined $ackermann->[$m][$n] or
    	$ackermann->[$m][$n] = A($m, $n);


We compute the value in C with

int A(int m, int n)
    if (m==0) return n+1;
    if (n==0) return A(m-1, 1);
    return A(m-1, A(m, n-1));
This XS code to connects the C to the Perl:
A(m, n)
        int m
        int n

Now we can compute values like this

my $ackermann = new Math::Ackermann;

print $ackermann->compute(1, 1);  # computes value
print $ackermann->compute(2, 2);  # computes value
print $ackermann->compute(1, 1),  # returns cached value

In this design, data is represented in Perl, and computation is done in C.

The XS describes the calling sequence for A(), and xsubpp generates the necessary calls to the Perl C API.

  1. Introduction
  2. Concepts
  3. Example 1: Geometry
  4. The typemap
  5. Example 2: Math::Ackermann
  6. Example 3: Set::Bit

Notes on these adapted articles

These pages are an adaptation of articles written in 2000 by Steven W. McDougall. My goal in modifying these articles is to simplify and update them. I hope you find these adapted versions of the articles useful. You can find the original articles at the link at the bottom of this page. The major changes in this update are:

This adaptation is a work in progress and many of the links on these pages may not work.

Creative Commons License
XS Mechanics by Steven W. McDougall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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