Emacs commands which have recently changed

Commands renamed

The following commands have been renamed in recent versions of Emacs, for no apparent reason:

Old New
toggle-read-only read-only-mode
ucs-insert insert-char

The following code restores these two, and can be used as a model against future renamings of commands.

(fmakunbound 'toggle-read-only)
(fmakunbound 'ucs-insert)

;; These override the effect of the function (make-obsolete) which is
;; part of the Emacs source file "emacs-lisp/byte-run.el" by removing
;; the "byte-obsolete-info" property from the functions.

(put 'ucs-insert 'byte-obsolete-info nil)
(put 'toggle-read-only 'byte-obsolete-info nil)

(defun toggle-read-only ()
  "Toggle read only mode"
  (read-only-mode 'toggle))

(defun ucs-insert ()
  "Insert UCS"
  (insert-char (read-char-by-name "Insert character (Unicode name or hex): ")))


Switching off Emacs' git handling

The Emacs handling of the git version control system can be switched off like this in .emacs:

;; disable vc-git
(setq vc-handled-backends ())

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