Dump DOM with JavaScript
This JavaScript dumps the document-object model (DOM) tree of a page into a new window. It is handy for debugging if your web page is dynamically created, so that it is not possible to view the HTML source of the objects.Try it!
The script
var d1; /* Dump the DOM into a new window. */ function dump_dom () { if (typeof(Node) == "undefined") { alert ("Sorry, this script doesn't work with Internet Explorer."); return; } var w1 = window.open ("", 'DOM_output'); d1 = w1.document; d1.open(); d1.writeln ('<h1>Tree of nodes</h1>\n<ol>'); traverse_nodes (document, '', 1); d1.writeln('</ol>'); d1.close(); } /* Possible types of nodes. */ var node_types = new Array ( "FAKE NODE", // fix array offset "ELEMENT NODE", "ATTRIBUTE NODE", "TEXT NODE", "CDATA SECTION NODE", "ENTITY REFERENCE NODE", "ENTITY NODE", "PROCESSING INSTRUCTION NODE", "COMMENT NODE", "DOCUMENT NODE", "DOCUMENT TYPE NODE", "DOCUMENT FRAGMENT NODE", "NOTATION NODE" ); /* Write out a value in a certain colour, if the value exists, otherwise do nothing. */ function write_value_colour (value, value_name, colour) { if (value) { var safe_value = value.replace (/\n/g,'\\n'). replace (/</g, "<"). replace (/>/g, '>'); d1.write(' <small>'+value_name+':</small> <font color="'+ colour+'">'+safe_value+'</font>'); } } /* Traverse the sub-nodes of 'node' */ function traverse_nodes (node, num) { if (node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) d1.write('<li><b><'+node.nodeName+'></b>'); else d1.write('<li><b>'+node.nodeName+'</b>'); // Write the node's ID, class name, and value if they exist. write_value_colour (node.id, "id", "red"); write_value_colour (node.className, "class", "green"); write_value_colour (node.nodeValue, "value", "purple"); // If the node is not a text node or an element node, print its // type. if (node.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var node_type = node_types[node.nodeType].toLowerCase (); d1.write(' <i>('+node_type+')</i> '); } if (node.attributes && node.attributes.length) { // Write the node's attributes, numbered A, B, C. d1.write('<ol type="A"> ') for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; ++i) traverse_nodes (node.attributes.item(i),i); d1.write('</ol>') } if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length) { // Write the node's child nodes, numbered 1, 2, 3. d1.write('<ol>') for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; ++i) traverse_nodes (node.childNodes.item(i), i); d1.write('</ol>') } d1.write("</li>\n"); }
Note for Internet Explorer users: This script does not work
with Internet Explorer. One problem is that Internet Explorer does not
have the Node
constants such
. This can be fixed by changing every
instance of these to numerical values, but other problems abound with
Internet Explorer's version of JavaScript and DOM to the point where
debugging it to work with Internet Explorer does not seem
worthwhile. The script will work with most browsers, such as Firefox,
Opera, and Google Chrome.
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For comments, questions, and corrections, please email
Ben Bullock
(benkasminbullock@gmail.com) or use the discussion group at Google Groups.
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