Display the time in the user's time zone
Here is an example of how to display a GMT (UTC) time, for example from the web server, in the user's time zone, using JavaScript:
<script type="text/javascript"> var time_now = new Date (); // The difference in minutes var offset = time_now.getTimezoneOffset () * -1; var gmt_hours = 21; var gmt_minutes = 30; document.write (gmt_hours + ":" + gmt_minutes + " Greenwich Mean Time in your timezone is "); var total_minutes = gmt_hours * 60 + gmt_minutes; var your_time = total_minutes + offset; var day = 24 * 60; if (your_time < 0) your_time += day; else if (your_time > day) your_time = your_time % day; var your_hours = Math.floor (your_time / 60); var your_minutes = your_time % 60; var print_time = your_hours + ":" + your_minutes + "."; document.write (print_time); </script>The offset is calculated using the
facility of JavaScript's Date
Now we run the above program:
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