How to create and delete databases and tables in MySQL

This page is a memo of how to do some tasks with the MySQL database engine.

Create a new database

To create a new database,
mysql> CREATE DATABASE name;
where name is the name of the new database.

Select which database to use

To choose a database,
mysql> USE name;
where name is the name of the database you wish to use.

Find out what databases exist

To get a list of all the databases,

Find out what tables the current database has

To get a list of tables in the current database, use

Create a table

To make a new table in the current database which can contain a list of numbers,
mysql> CREATE TABLE name (numbers INTEGER);
Here name is the name of the table, and numbers is the name of the column which contains the numbers. To make a new table which can contain a list of numbers and words,
mysql> CREATE TABLE name (numbers INTEGER, words TEXT);

Delete a table from a database

To remove a table from a database,
mysql> DROP TABLE name;
where name is the name of the table you wish to remove.

Delete a database

To delete a database,
mysql> DROP DATABASE name;
where name is the name of the database you wish to remove.
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