Example of Text::Fuzzy for fuzzy searches on kana

This is an example of using Text::Fuzzy with Unicode-encoded characters. The dictionary Edict is a freely-downloadable Japanese to English electronic dictionary.

use warnings;
use strict;
use Lingua::JA::Moji ':all';
use Text::Fuzzy;
use utf8;
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
my $infile = '/home/ben/data/edrdg/edict';
open my $in, "<:encoding(EUC-JP)", $infile or die $!;
my @kana;
while (<$in>) {
    my $kana;
    if (/\[(\p{InKana}+)\]/) {
        $kana = $1;
    elsif (/^(\p{InKana}+)/) {
        $kana = $1;
    if ($kana) {
        $kana = kana2katakana ($kana);
        push @kana, $kana;
printf "Starting fuzzy searches over %d lines.\n", scalar @kana;
search ('ウオソウコ');
search ('アイウエオカキクケコバビブベボハヒフヘホ');
search ('アルベルトアインシュタイン');
search ('バババブ');
search ('バババブアルベルト');

sub search
    my ($silly) = @_;
    my $max = 10;
    my $search = Text::Fuzzy->new ($silly, max => $max);
    my $n = $search->nearest (\@kana);
    if (defined $n) {
        printf "$silly nearest is $kana[$n] (distance %d)\n",
            $search->last_distance ();
    else {
        printf "Nothing like '$silly' was found within $max edits.\n";


The output of the program looks something like this:

Starting fuzzy searches over 213359 lines.
ウオソウコ nearest is ウソウ (distance 2)
Fuzzy search took 0.173445 seconds.
Nothing like 'アイウエオカキクケコバビブベボハヒフヘホ' was found within the edit distance 10.
Fuzzy search took 0.128962 seconds.
アルベルトアインシュタイン nearest is リヒテンシュタイン (distance 7)
Fuzzy search took 0.199817 seconds.

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