Draw a coloured graph of three phases


# This program draws a graph of three phase electrical voltages.

use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Cairo;
use constant PI => 3.14159;
my $xscale = 80;
my $yscale = 120;
my $xoffset = 50;
my $yoffset = 150;
my $gap = 20;
my $xmax = 3*PI;
main ();

sub main
    my $ysize = 300;
    my $xsize = $ysize * 3;
    my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create ('argb32', $xsize, $ysize);
    my $cr = Cairo::Context->create ($surface);
    $cr->set_line_width (5.);
    draw_axes ($cr);
    draw_cos ($cr, [1,0,0],0);
    draw_cos ($cr, [0,1,0],2*PI/3);
    draw_cos ($cr, [0,0,1],4*PI/3);
    $surface->write_to_png ("$Bin/three-phase.png");

sub draw_axes
    my ($cr) = @_;
    $cr->set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0);
    $cr->move_to ($xoffset, $yoffset);
    $cr->line_to ($xoffset + $xscale * $xmax, $yoffset);
    $cr->stroke ();
    $cr->move_to ($xoffset, $yoffset - $yscale);
    $cr->line_to ($xoffset, $yoffset + $yscale);
    $cr->stroke ();

sub draw_cos
    my ($cr, $colour, $offset) = @_;
    $cr->set_source_rgb (@$colour);
    my $x = 0;
    $cr->move_to (point ($x, $offset));
    while ($x < $xmax) {
        $x += PI/$gap;
        $cr->line_to (point ($x, $offset));
    $cr->stroke ();

sub point
    my ($x, $offset) = @_;
    my $y = wye ($x, $offset);
    return ($x * $xscale + $xoffset, -$y * $yscale + $yoffset);

sub wye
    my ($x, $offset) = @_;
    return cos ($x + $offset);


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