Domestic Disturbance (2001)

Flavourless, silly thriller

John Travolta is the father of a cried-wolf misbehaving boy who witnesses his stepfather commit a murder. Guess what, the cops don't believe him!

The whole story of the stepfather is remarkably shaky and really doesn't add up. Step dad has run away with the loot, and then starts a new life, gets married, buys a new house, gets married, buying brick factories, which he can use for disposing of bodies, then one of the people he crossed (Steve Buscemi) sees his photo in the papers.

And finding out his real identity is a matter of typing in the murdered man's name into Google, where his photo appears, but the police haven't got a clue? And despite stepdad being able to skillfully bump off Steve Buscemi and vanish his body and belongings in the brick kiln, he makes a terrible hash of killing John Travolta, setting fire to himself and leaving Travolta to survive a fire, burning down the boat yard in an obvious fashion?

It's well made and the cast is good but there is nothing much to this picture.

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