Baby Driver (2017)

Disappointing car thriller

Disappointing car thriller.

Up to about half way through it looked like it might be interesting, Baby was having moral qualms about his getaway driving, but then it suddenly degenerated into schlock and general silliness.

They went to a "weapon dealer" who pulled out tons of extremely dangerous military weapons (for a bank robbery), while describing the weapons as pork products, then suddenly Jamie Fox and the other two robbers killed all of ten or so of weapons dealers and blew them up with their own hand grenades, and of course walked away completely unscathed, because the weapons dealers were supposedly policemen.

Then after killing ten supposed policemen, they went on with the armed robbery? What?

What is the name for this kind of nonsense? It's just absolutely beyond any shred of credibility and into fantasy at that point. When things get this utterly silly, it's not a thriller any more, just some kind of visual mish-mash.

I only skimmed the second half of it, because really it's just a mickey mouse film at that point.

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