Office Space (1999)

A cautionary tale

The moral of the story is, don't steal Milton's stapler, and whatever you do, don't "jump to conclusions".

Insanity visits a soul-destroying office after a mix-up with a hypnotherapist causes the lead character to "not give a damn" any more.

All of the characters in the film, from the rap-loving programmer who fantasises about being a Navy Seal, the appalling drone of a boss, the utterly incompetent consultants, the unlucky Milton, the fool who spends all his compensation money from an accident developing a board game called "Jump To Conclusions", and the neighbour who dreams of "double-dating" are relatable.

Jennifer Aniston does a great turn as a pissed-off waitress who is criticised for not having enough colourful badges.

The actors are great, but for some reason I've hardly ever seen anyone from this film in anything other than this, except for Jennifer Aniston.

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