Floyd on Italy (1994-)

Rather a lazy effort

The whole series seems low effort and self-indulgent. Keith potters about various parts of Italy, he cooks things, and sometimes he has not done enough preparation, and the dish seems to go wrong. He frequently admits he has never cooked some dishes before. Wouldn't it be better for a cookery show to show how to cook the thing properly? How are people supposed to learn from this?

Keith gushingly enthuses about various ingredients and dishes, but we never really learn much about them - why is Italian ice cream the best in the world, what makes it different from others?

The scenes of Keith driving around in his car don't really do anything much, except show off Keith's expensive car, and Keith seems to think he can get through everything by adding the adjective "wonderful" in front of everything, so virtually every bottle of olive oil turns out to be "wonderful" olive oil, and the scenery is all "wonderful" scenery, and so on.

Generally it seems lazy and as if Keith considered actually showing up and doing the cooking part more of a chore than anything else, as he waited for the money to flow in from the associated cooking book, which he presumably got some ghost writer to write for him.

[This is a review of an episode of a Keith Floyd cookery programme.]

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