Deep Impact (1998)

Middle-aged women gossiping interrupted by comet

A comet is threatening to crash into earth. On the verge of alerting humanity about the comet, the scientist who realises the danger is killed due to a Jolt cola-drinking, cigarette smoking, country-and-western listening, drives up a twisty mountain road without looking where he's going, truck driver.

Given the urgency of the situation, it's vital that we must see lots of middle-aged women wearing heavy makeup talking about scandals in Washington. Oh yes, let's go to the comet for a bit. Now back to the really important stuff, the middle-aged ladies! Do we have to do the comet again? Sorry to interrupt the gossip, ladies, with a bit of tedious comet stuff.

We also have a collection of "the usual suspects" in the form of Robert Duvall, rent-a-voice Morgan Freeman, and other tedious colourful characters.

What on earth is this film? Who dreams this up? Who likes this sort of thing? It might be interesting to read some of the reviews to try to work out who this film's audience is.

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