Yamaha RTX1000 router

The RTX 1000 router is a now-outmoded highly-robust router made by Yamaha. RTX 1000 is only sold in Japan. You can buy them cheaply on Yahoo Auctions.

Disclaimer: This page is purely for entertainment purposes. LeMoDa.net takes no responsibility whatsoever for what happens to your router as a result of using these instructions. Please refer to the Japanese-language manuals, which you can find on Yamaha's official site for RTX 1000, for how to use the router.

Initial setup

For the initial setup, you either need to connect to the router with a serial RS232 cable and use something like minicom, or use RARP and then telnet to the router. RARP is an obsolete protocol. I had a lot of trouble getting it to work on Linux and actually succeeded much better with Lew Perin's RARP server for Windows (scroll down to the bottom of the page for a download link). You only need to do this once (hopefully).

Get help / completion

The RTX1000 console has built-in history and completions. Press the up/down arrows to scroll through the history. Press the tab key to get completions. Press ? to get help/a list of possible completions.

Set output language to English

To set the output language to English,

console character ascii

Show current configuration

show config

Set up system logging to another computer

The following sets up syslog-style logging to

syslog host
syslog facility user
syslog notice on

Set up tftp

As administrator, do

tftp host
where is the host you want to tftp from.

Download configuration file

Use tftp (trivial file transfer protocol) to the router's IP address,

> get config/admin-password local-file-name
to get the configuration file.

Send a wake-on-lan packet

wol send lan1 mac-address
Here lan1 is the local area network, number can go from 1 to 3 on the RTX 1000.

Arp table

To show the arp (address resolution protocol) table,

show arp
and to clear the entries,
clear arp

Show log

show log

Set up PPPoE

This is an example of setting up PPPoE on lan2: Tell the router to send traffic through PP1:

ip route default gateway pp 1
Set up PP1:
pp select 1
 pp name "Network Provider Name"
 pp always-on on
 pppoe use lan2
 pppoe auto connect on
 pppoe auto disconnect on
 pp auth accept pap
 pp auth myname your-name your-password
 ppp lcp mru on 1454
 ppp ipcp ipaddress on
 ppp ipcp msext on
 ppp ccp type none
 ip pp mtu 1454
 ip pp nat descriptor 1
 pp enable 1
This is mostly just monkey-see, monkey-do based on the manuals, so you might need to adjust it for your circumstances.

Set up a LAN

This sets up a local area network on lan1 with addresses from to

ip lan1 address

Set up DHCP

dhcp service server
dhcp duplicate check 100 500
dhcp server rfc2131 compliant except use-clientid
dhcp scope 1
You can set up fixed IP addresses for each computer like this:
dhcp scope bind 1 mac-address
dhcp scope bind 1 mac-address
etc. for each computer.

This is handy if you want to use /etc/hosts-based name resolution for your local computers, and you want to make sure that each MAC address is always mapped to the same computer.

The reason for the dhcp server rfc2131 compliant except use-clientid is some obscure problem I had with a dual-boot computer.

Set up DNS spoofing

The following will set up external packets on port 80 to route to on your LAN, in other words if you want external computers to see as if it was a web server on the external network:

nat descriptor type 1 masquerade
nat descriptor masquerade static 1 1 tcp www

Web links

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