Convert binary64 (IEEE 754 double) to Perl
The following subroutine converts an IEEE64 double or floating point number, as used in the MAT-File format of MATLAB, stored in eight bytes, into a Perl double.
use warnings; use strict; # sub double_from_hex { unpack 'd', scalar reverse pack 'H*', $_[0] } use constant POS_INF => double_from_hex '7FF0000000000000'; use constant NEG_INF => double_from_hex 'FFF0000000000000'; use constant NaN => double_from_hex '7FF8000000000000'; my @nums = ( 'b6 a6 ac 29 6b ca ea 3f', 'd0 06 d8 4a 48 37 eb 3f', 'd8 a5 51 20 82 63 e7 bf', '10 44 70 ec d2 28 c0 3f', '00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 7f', ); for (@nums) { my @bytes = map {chr (hex $_)} split / /; my $bytes = join '', @bytes; print "", parse_double ($bytes), "\n"; } exit; =head2 parse_double my $double = parse_double ($bytes); This converts the MAT-File double (eight bytes, the IEEE 754 "double 64" format) into a Perl floating point number. =cut sub parse_double { my ($bytes) = @_; my ($bottom, $top) = unpack ("LL", $bytes); # Reference: # # Eight zero bytes represents 0.0. if ($bottom == 0) { if ($top == 0) { return 0; } elsif ($top == 0x80000000) { return -0; } elsif ($top == 0x7ff00000) { return POS_INF; } elsif ($top == 0xfff00000) { return NEG_INF; } } elsif ($top == 0x7ff00000) { return NaN; } my $sign = $top >> 31; # print "$sign\n"; my $exponent = (($top >> 20) & 0x7FF) - 1023; # print "$exponent\n"; my $e = ($top >> 20) & 0x7FF; my $t = $top & 0xFFFFF; # printf ("--> !%011b%020b \n--> %032b\n", $e, $t, $top); my $mantissa = ($bottom + ($t*(2**32))) / 2**52 + 1; # print "$mantissa\n"; my $double = (-1)**$sign * 2**$exponent * $mantissa; return $double; }
The output of the test program should look like
0.837209302325582 0.850498338870432 -0.730897009966777 0.12624584717608 inf
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