Equivalents in JavaScript and Perl
This page is a list of similarities between Perl and JavaScript to help go from one language to the other.
Bold face indicates an argument or optional element. The ×
symbol means that something is not available. For example, JavaScript
has no equivalent to Perl's quotemeta
The links on Perl keywords go to perldoc.perl.org
. Most
of the JavaScript keywords are linked to w3schools.com
but where that site doesn't cover something, the links go to the
Mozilla Developers' Network page.
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
uc $str
str.toUpperCase ()
lc $str
str.toLowerCase ()
JavaScript has no equivalent single functions for these.
int $str
parseInt (str)
hex $str
Convert a string to a number as if the string is hexadecimal.
ord $str
chr $number
In the JavaScript, the "String" is part of the function call, like
the "Math" in "Math.sin". It is not a variable.
sprintf ("%X", $number)
number.toString (16)
Make hexadecimal strings from a number.
split str/regex $str
str.split (str/regex)
substr $string, offset, length
index $str, something
str.indexOf (something)
Find the last occurence of something in str
length $str
Length of a string
$str =~ tr/abc/xyz/
Perl's "tr" has no equivalent in JavaScript.
. (Concatenation operator)
String concatenation is via "." in Perl, but "+" in
JavaScript. JavaScript also uses "+" for addition of numbers.
JavaScript has no equivalent.
$str x $n
substr ($str, $n, 1)
$str =~ /\Q$end$/
Perl does not have an equivalent function.
$str =~ /^\Q$begin\E/
Perl does not have an equivalent function.
$str =~ /\Q$included\E/
Perl does not have an equivalent function.
$str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g
str.trim ()
Perl does not have an equivalent function, although it is found in several modules, such as Data::Munge.
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
$str =~ s/regex/y/
str.replace (/regex/, y)
$str =~ s/regex/function ($1, $2)/e
str.replace (/regex/, function (match, first, second) { code } )
The JavaScript "replace" can take a function as the second
argument. This function takes the matched text as its argument,
followed by the match of each pair of brackets (like Perl's $1, $2,
etc.) and its return value is inserted into the string.
See ECMAScript specification
$str =~ m/regex/
$str =~ s/regex/y/g
str.replace (/regex/g, y)
JavaScript does not have an equivalent.
pos str
regex.lastIndex ()
In JavaScript, the position is associated with a regex rather than a string.
Hashes / objects
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
my %hash
var hash=new Object()
JavaScript's objects function as hashes.
my %hash = (a => "b", c => "d")
var hash = {"a" : "b", "c" : "d"}
Access hash keys using the [ ] or . notation in JavaScript.
@all_keys = keys %hash
all_keys = Object.keys (hash)
Object.values appeared first in ECMAScript version 5.1.
See the next entry for how to loop over keys of a hash in JavaScript.
for my $i (keys %hash) { }
for (var i in hash)
These loop over all the keys in a hash (associative array).
values (%hash)
Object.values (hash)
Object.values appeared first in ECMAScript 2017 Draft. It is currently
typeof (variable) != "undefined"
delete hash[key]
JavaScript has no equivalent.
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
my @arr = ()
var arr = new Array ()
my @arr = ('hot', 'cold')
var arr = new Array ("hot", "cold")
@arr = qw/cat fish dog/
arr = "cat fish dog".split (/\s+/)
Most of JavaScript's array operators seem to have been based on Perl
and have the same names.
push @arr, $value
arr.push (value)
push @arr, @otherarr
arr.push (otherarr)
@finalarr = (@arr, @otherarr)
finalarr = arr.concat (otherarr)
Perl doesn't have a special function for this.
reverse @arr
@arr, offset, length
arr.splice (offset, length)
sort {some code} @arr
arr.sort (some function)
These sort using a user-defined method of comparing.
join str, @arr
arr.join (str)
These join the elements of an array together.
scalar @arr
$#arr + 1
$#arr + 1
These functions give the number of elements in an array
Until ECMA version 5, this used to have no equivalent in
JavaScript. The JavaScript library jQuery supplies an equivalent to
Perl's map.
This has no equivalent in JavaScript. The JavaScript library
jQuery supplies an equivalent to Perl's grep.
JavaScript has repeat for strings.
array.toString ()
Perl does not have an explicit equivalent (convert any object into a
string). However, arrays, strings, and numbers are automatically
converted into strings in a print context.
Specific functions
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
Both JavaScript and Perl use the same names for their mathematical
functions as C. JavaScript puts "Math." before each function name.
Math.pow(x, y)
Math.random ()
Unlike most of the maths functions, neither of these is like the C
or random
. They both return a
number between 0 and 1.Math.round ()
Perl doesn't have a standard way of rounding numbers.
Originally JavaScript did not have equivalents because JavaScript was
only meant to run inside a web browser.
print "Answer: "; $str = <STDIN>; $str = "default" unless $str;
str = prompt ("Answer: ", "default");
The Perl example is a command-line equivalent.
URI::Escape uri_escape
Perl does not have a built-in equivalent.
URI::Escape uri_unescape
MIME::Base64 encode_base64
atob and btoa are not part of any JavaScript standard. They will work
on most implementations except older versions of Internet Explorer.
MIME::Base64 decode_base64
ualarm (from core module Time::HiRes)
Program control
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
throw (exception)
JavaScript has no function to halt execution.
throw (exception)
JavaScript uses the same names as C, C++, and Java for loop control.
JavaScript has no equivalent.
eval { code }
eval $str
JavaScript has no "goto".
Perl does not have "functions", and JavaScript does not have subroutines, although each of these commands does both jobs.
function is the name of the current function.
In Perl, bless is called to register an object's type after it has
been created. Perl modules often have a "new" function, but this is
not part of Perl - the "new" function could be called
anything. "bless", however, is part of Perl.
Module::function ($object)
function.call (object)
Here function is the name of the function and Module is the name
of the Perl module. $object in Perl is an instance of Module.
There is no switch in Perl.
Variables and values
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
JavaScript now also includes "let" for defining variables. "let" is
much closer to Perl's "my" than "var", which has lots of weird
use constant c => 1
const c = 1;
undef, 0, an empty string
Perl does not have booleans
Any value except 0, a string of length zero, or the special value
JavaScript has no equivalent to Perl's $_.
$a, $b
JavaScript has no equivalent to Perl's $a and $b. A function argument
to sort is assumed to have two arguments.
JavaScript has no equivalent to Perl's @ARGV.
JavaScript's "arguments" also functions similarly to Perl's caller.
$1, $2, $3, etc.
$1, $2, $3, etc.
$x = qr/regex/
x = new RegExp (regex)
(reference operator)
JavaScript has no equivalent.
'Inf', '-Inf'
Infinity, -Infinity
Dynamic document creation
🐪 Perl
🍳 JavaScript
🎵 Notes
Writes to the current document in JavaScript, to STDOUT (the default
filehandle) in Perl. console.log writes to the console in JavaScript.
print FH
Print to a particular document doc in JavaScript,
a particular file handle FH in Perl.
In Perl 5.10, "say" is the same as "print" except that it appends a
new line character after what it has printed. JavaScript's "writeln"
and "write" have the same relationship.
Web links
Copyright © Ben Bullock 2009-2024. All
rights reserved.
For comments, questions, and corrections, please email
Ben Bullock
(benkasminbullock@gmail.com) or use the discussion group at Google Groups.
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