Equivalents in Perl and Octave

In the following, p is Perl and o is the equivalent Octave.

p: !=
o: ~=

p: ==
o: ==

p: **
o: ^
pe: 2**3
o: 2^3

p: &&, and
o: &&

p: xor
o: xor
p: $x xor $y
o: xor (x, y)

p: sprintf
o: sprintf

pe: @A = ([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]);
oe: A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]

pe: @v = (1..2);
oe: v = 1:2;

p: scalar
o: size

p: Getcwd::cwd
o: pwd

p: chdir
o: cd

p: none
o: load

p: none
o: whos

p: none
o: who

p: delete
o: clear

pe: @x = @y[0..9];
oe: x = y(1:10);

p: $!
o: lasterror ()

p: eval {};
o: try/catch

p: say/print
o: disp ();

o{disp} only takes one argument.


p: grep
o: find

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