Extract Dilbert image from MacKay file
This extracts the figure of Dilbert from figure6.eps
#!/home/ben/software/install/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Image::PNG::Libpng ':all'; use Image::PNG::Const ':all'; my $file = 'figure6.eps'; open my $in, "<", $file or die $!; my @rows; my $in_image; my $image_no = 1; while (<$in>) { if (/^image$/) { $in_image = 1; next; } if ($in_image) { my $line = $_; $line =~ s/\n$//; if (! length $line) { $in_image = 0; write_image (\@rows, $image_no); $image_no++; @rows = (); next; } my $bytes = pack "H*", $line; push @rows, $bytes; } } close $in or die $!; exit; sub write_image { my ($rows, $image_no) = @_; open my $pngfile, ">:raw", "out$image_no.png" or die $!; my $png = create_write_struct (); set_IHDR ($png, { width => 200, height => 200, bit_depth => 1, color_type => PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY, }); init_io ($png, $pngfile); set_rows ($png, $rows); write_png ($png); close $pngfile or die $!; }
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